Friday, June 01, 2012

Five Minutes of Silence

I have been challenged to have five minutes of silence everyday for a month. I have committed to giving this every effort and have missed missed one day out of four so far--not too bad. I start out by quieting my mind, taking in deep breaths to get relaxed. I do not believe you can keep your mind completely silent...I have not accomplished this at least. One day I just rolled around in my mind, "Holy Holy Holy is the Lord God Almighty" over and over again. Another day I read various things I have up on my wall like: "God show me everyday the true person you have created me to be! Give me the grace to live it out!" "Greater is He who is in me, than he who is in the world!" "The Serenity Prayer" and so on. The last successful day I read various scripture.

The point of the silence or at least where I am putting the focus of the silence is--stopping daily tasks, quieting my mind from worry and thinking of tasks that need to be done. Focusing on God and worshiping him. I feel challenged today to spend the five minutes to worship him for who he is not anything he has done, but his Majesty, Power, Sovereignty, Holiness etc... I do not feel I have done that enough, but each moment is a new day so I can start now!  


Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Sharing the Gospel

Wow it has been a while. I have been very busy with school, which is a good thing and it has been going great, but busy. Currently I am in the class Defending the Faith. We are learning how to best share the gospel in ways that will touch the whole person-emotions, intelligence, and conscience. God has called all of us to be ambassadors for him. Sharing the gospel, building up disciples, and this week we are learning that it comes from our worship of God--and keeping ourselves in submission to him. I recently bought a kindle book "Wholehearted: Three Life-Changing commands of Jesus." Roger Wernette (2010) Says that we have a LOT in life--we are called to Love God, Obey God, and to Teach others to love and obey God.

I have been praying for quite sometime for the lost in this world, but this class is challenging me to be aware of people God places as divine appointments to share the gospel with them. I have created various versions of slideshow and paper tools to help me along with this endeavor. This is our last week and I have come up with the final tool, that when printed, is on 3x5 cards or online is a flipbook. It touches, what I believe, all the parts of who we are and is loaded more with scripture where the power is.

We are only to plant and water. God DOES the evangelizing and the saving work--in his time---in his way as he sees best.

I would love to hear what you think! Would you use this to reach out to others in your own life?? Leave a comment, I would so appreciate it. Have a beautiful rest of the day.


Thursday, November 03, 2011

Seeing a glimmer of Hope....

For over a year now I have been hanging on for dear life to the hope that God would work in my daughters life. She has overcome some hurdles and I am so proud of her, but her staying up all night has had my husband and I concerned. We have not liked the thought of her up all night...nothing good came of the night hours as far as what I remember from my own life. Despite concerns I gave them to God, because I knew and still know that God will lead her and because if its his leading it will become more personal and develop a relationship between the two of them-which ultimately "that" is deep in my heart. We have talked with her many times so she knows how we feel on the subject. I have learned in other situations with her that she has to find out for herself. I have been seeing some days where she is trying to switch her sleeping schedule around and I still hold on to the hope that it will come around.

In the meantime I have seen a beautiful glimmer within the nightfall. It is a glimmer of true talent and as I have always been for myself, my daughter does the same and thinks there is much better talent out there, but it has shown me that I need to acknowledge my talent and not compare it with others...we are our own worst critic aren't we??  

A while back she was constantly looking at dresses...something I did notice, but what I did not know is that she started drawing wedding dresses, of her own tastes and designs, in her Microsoft paint program. She also loves doing her eye makeup and has been talking for months about wanting to be a makeup artist. I have seen some of the pictures she has been taking of her face at night of the various looks she has been completing. I also am aware of some music she had written during a tough time in her life...not all of it has words I am happy with or is my style, but I do have a couple favorites and her step sister sang them and produced them on CD for her. I have told her that God will show her how to write music for him-that is another hope I hang onto for dear life. A couple weeks ago I was taken by surprise and was shown more of her drawings and on Sunday she showed all of them to my parents, my husband, and I.

She started working on a blog yesterday and put her dresses up there. She does not want me showing everybody, but this mom is so proud. Working with websites in the past I have learned making an entry does not mean thousands of people are going to suddenly catch on and see the page. What I do know is that it allows God to move the people who do need or would be interested in seeing the come across it. So now my daughter has three options of talent to work with...God could end up using her with all three or the one that will be the greatest blessing to the world. How all that is going to happen, I still do not know....what I do know is that God will be faithful in leading...he never fails and that I can count on!!

Check out Kats blog here KB Designs Leave her a comment won't you? 

New Update 5/31/2012!! Please be in prayer for Kat as she has received what she calls drama from a facebook friend (I would not consider friend in this case.) She does not want drama anymore and deleted her drawings. Sorry if you missed them, but she has moved on to wanting to be a makeup artist. Also being prayer that she will get her GED within the next year. We bought a software program to help her study.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Busily focused on school

As you can see I have been pretty busy with school...I anticipated that it would be that way, which is why I do not post the actual date of my entry. Praise the Lord I have had A's in my first three classes. Even my college writing class, though I seemed, at least in my mind, to be struggling. I could not have done it without God. 

One of the newest  habits I have started doing to keep my focus on the fact that I am completely dependent on God-- is an alarm that I put on my desktop that goes off every hour. First thing in the morning during my devotions I pray Father God cover me in your grace, Jesus please keep me in your peace, Holy Spirit I need you every second of the day. When I hear my alarm I say Father God thank you for your grace, Jesus thank you for your peace, Holy Spirit thank you for your help.

I know without a doubt when asking for these things I am given them. God gives me just enough for today and through this habit I am starting to see why I have been reading so much lately through devotions and messages from God on my igoogle where he is calling me to acknowledge his presence continually through the day--that I need it because that is how he created me.

In the past, it would happen so quickly and I would be trying to do things on my own. Having that constant reminder of where my strength comes and that he will give me all that I need-- has made an immeasurable difference. There are so many I cannot count.

Well this is a short and sweet entry as I injured myself yesterday and have a very sore pointer finger when typing. I encourage you to start thinking of habits that will remind you of God continual presence. You can use mine or create your own that will fit your lifestyle. You will be fulfilling a large need in your heart that nothing else will fill.

Tuesday, August 02, 2011

I am a new person

This is from an assignment last week at Grace Bible College. It has only been slightly revised to give you information so that it will make more sense to you, the reader, outside of the College class.  I even kept it in the same formatting. It does make for an easier read.  Please feel free to share your thoughts at the end of this entry and share it with others--as I have a few options with how you can do so. I know that I includes a sentence about not having to share everything that I learn, but when what I learn is increasing the quality of my life--I just can not help it.

It truly has been a process becoming a new person and putting off the old self, that has certainly been the case, during my whole Christian life so far. Where am I at today?  Over the last few weeks-during my course here at GBC- I am discovering some new key information.  First and foremost is that I am totally dependent on Christ-I have known this for sometime, but through my studies and meditation is has infiltrated deep into my heart and mind.  In the past I have worshipped my will (unknowingly) and now realize that I need to depend on the Holy Spirit within me.

I need to put off the expectations that I will do everything perfectly or that things must always “go” perfectly. I need to judge people less, I do not—do so—speaking to other people, but I make judgments in my own thinking. I need to realize that we are all on our own journey and no two people are going to be in the same place or at the same level. When I learn new things I do not need to jump out and tell everyone I meet. I recently lost sixty-three lbs. But I am still fighting against addictions to food.  I have always been an emotional eater and I want to put that off and seek God when I need emotional comfort. Help me Jesus! There are more things that rear their ugly head from time to time, but the layers have been coming off. Thank you Jesus!

I have new habits in place that I have been building up and committing to doing that are helping me—set my mind on things of God.  I would like to expand my prayer life and have always felt the pull to intercede for others.  I look forward to using my imagination more and allow Jesus to show me how to use the idea of flash prayers (which I learned from the book—Celebration of Discipline by Richard J. Foster.) I recommend that book to anyone reading this.  I hope to use flash praying on behalf of others in my life, while I am at the store, church, or wherever. It has only been the past year that I have discovered God’s still small voice and I want to learn to listen, really listen more—to what God wants me to do in every situation in life. I want to have more solitude and silent time with God.  Right now I have enough with studying what we are assigned at Grace Bible College, but in the future I plan to study works of C.S. Lewis.

I love the Spiritual Journal that we have to submit and I plan to continue, expanding on the whole concept even after it is not an assignment due, but I love the accountability. I have been using notebooks to write various thoughts and reflections by hand while I am doing devotions, etc to. I plan to daily put myself into the place where God can transform me.  I look forward to seeing his work in my life as I know it is going to be immeasurably above any of my attempts in the past. I have been good at doing it Monday through Friday, but I want to incorporate it into Saturday and Sunday too.  Leading children’s worship or going to the service is not enough; I believe I need at least, maybe smaller snippets of what I do during the week.

I honestly see myself having to say “It is your work, Oh Lord, not my own” every day. I so soon forget the things I have learned.  One example- just recently is the fact that I am learning to resist the devil and not listening to the nonsense, that is not even the truth, to me. Yesterday I was feeling overwhelmed and frustrated again, but only at the first stage compared to the past. In talking with my husband I quickly realized it was that nasty Satan again. He has been leaving me alone because I have been putting into practice the powerful things I have been learning lately.  Thank you Jesus!! Satan thought he would try a sneak attack on me again yesterday, I may have forgotten for a few hours, but I am being renewed because I never got to the place he can usually take me. 

Monday, August 01, 2011

Grace is the Free Power!!

Are you plugged in????

Have you acknowledged to God that you can't do it on your own or are you striving and struggling to do it yourself?  For several years I have tried so hard to change myself and stop doing the things I didn't want to do.  Before I knew it, there I would go again.  "Why do I keep doing that?" I would ask myself.  Within the last few years I have been acknowledging, "I can't do it without you Lord." Looking back I can honestly see the changes that have slowly occurred, but it is a process. 

Today I heard a message by Joyce Meyer. She went through the same struggles until she started getting serious about knowing the word of God. It was then that she learned that Grace is the power of the Holy Spirit.  We do not just get grace to be saved it continually goes with us by the Power of the Holy Spirit in us.  Greater is he who is in us than he who is in the world.

The day after I wrote this God gave me an acronym for process, I love it when he inspires me.
Solely through the
Spirit of God.

Galatians 3:3 [Amplified] Are you so foolish and so senseless and so silly? Having begun [your new life spiritually] with the [Holy] Spirit, are you now reaching perfection [by dependence] on the flesh?
Grace is upon us: And with great power the apostles were giving their testimony to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and great grace was upon them all.  Acts 4:33 ESV
Grace is seen in us: When he came and saw the grace of God, he was glad, and he exhorted them all to remain faithful to the Lord with steadfast purpose,  Acts 11:23 ESV
We can continue in grace: And after the meeting of the synagogue broke up, many Jews and devout converts to Judaism followed Paul and Barnabas, who, as they spoke with them, urged them to continue in the grace of God. Acts 13:43 ESV
Even Christ depended on grace: But we see him who for a little while was made lower than the angels, namely Jesus, crowned with glory and honor because of the suffering of death, so that by the grace of God he might taste death for everyone. Hebrews 2:9 ESV
                                 For he prayed: if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done. Luke 22:42 ESV. May we follow in his footsteps by the grace of God.

Here are some other scriptures that jumped out at me that you are free to study on your own and let God speak to you personally.  You can even do so at
Romans 5:2; 5:20; 6:15 | 1 Corinthians 15:10 | 2 Corinthians 9:8; 12:9 | Ephesians 4:29  | Colossians 3:16 | 2 Thessalonians 1:12 | 1 Timothy 1:14 | 2 Timothy 2:1 | Hebrews 4:16 | James 4:6  | 1 Peter 4:10; 5:10

[[[[May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ go with you.]]]]


Monday, July 11, 2011

Buckets of Grace!!!!

Since my last post I have been listening to every one of Joyce Meyers pod-casts. You "have got" to subscribe and start applying the principles that took her 30 years to develop into herself, and now is able to share with us.  The great thing is it won't take us 30 years to get there...well, IF we apply them to our own lives that is.

I have been applying them, and sure enough God does walk along-side me every day--slowly I see the changes arriving.  God really does love me, and I am falling madly in love with him too.  Oh how I want that for YOU!!!  I have just prayed to God and asked him that for everyone reading this entry: he would shower YOU with buckets of grace!!!!  Grace to have the want to!!!  Grace to believe and see the changes!!! Grace to grasp how much he loves YOU!!!  Grace to have unfailing hope to hang on to, even if it is for dear life!!!!  Grace to see hope beyond your pain!!!!  Grace to see that nothing is impossible with Him!!!!  Grace to decide to believe!!!

One of the newest things that I have added to my life is a life quote that I have chosen.  "I would rather sacrifice Praise to God than to sacrifice my JOY to Satan."  Sacrificing our joy comes so comes way too easy, but takes so much more away from our lives.  It steals a portion of energy, faith, hope, life goals and dreams.  Lack of joy produces depression, more negative thoughts, destroys our lives if it continues. Praise on the other hand should come easy, but in the natural realm it takes sacrifice-we have to do it even when we don't feel like it.  As Christians we must strive to walk in the Spirit-with His strength it becomes easier, but a choice still has to be made to do it no matter how we feel.  As Joyce has said in many of her videos, we can't make decisions based on how we feel.  Don't make it complicated just start by saying "Praise you Lord" over and over again until your joy begins to flourish.  From there you can gravitate to deeper praise, however you feel drawn.  The point is to keep it simple--then you are more likely to actually do it.  Go give God praise my beloved friends in Christ!!!

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